What is the difference between Mezcal & Tequila? We tell you...

What is the difference between Mezcal & Tequila? We tell you...

In the world of Mexican spirits, two names often stand out: Mezcal and Tequila. While they both originate from the agave plant and share some commonalities, each has a distinct character, production process, and cultural significance that sets them apart. Join us on a spirited journey as we explore the differences and similarities between Mezcal and Tequila, two iconic beverages that embody the heart and soul of Mexico.

 The Agave Connection

Both Mezcal and Tequila are distilled from the agave plant, a succulent native to Mexico. However, the choice of agave species used distinguishes the two spirits. Tequila, the more widely recognized of the two, is made exclusively from the Blue Weber agave, known for its sweet and herbaceous flavors. Mezcal, on the other hand, can be crafted from a broader range of agave species, each imparting unique flavors, aromas, and complexities to the final product.

Production Methods

One of the most significant differences between Mezcal and Tequila lies in their production methods.

Tequila Production:

1. Harvesting: Only the heart of the Blue Weber agave, known as the piña, is used in Tequila production.

2. Cooking: The piñas are typically baked in large autoclaves or ovens, resulting in a cleaner, less smoky flavor profile.

3. Fermentation: Yeast is added to the agave juice, often in stainless steel or wooden tanks, for fermentation.

4. Distillation: Tequila is usually distilled twice in copper pot stills or more modern column stills, producing a smoother and lighter spirit.

Mezcal Production:

1. Harvesting: Various agave species are used, and they may be roasted in underground pits, imparting a distinctive smoky flavor.

2. Cooking: Traditional Mezcal production involves earth pit ovens, giving it a pronounced smokiness. Some producers use above-ground ovens or autoclaves for a milder flavor.

3. Fermentation: Wild yeast and natural bacteria are often employed, contributing to Mezcal's complex and diverse flavor profile.

4. Distillation: Mezcal is typically distilled twice or even three times in copper or clay pot stills, preserving its robust and flavorful characteristics.

    Taste and Aromas

    The differences in agave varieties and production methods result in unique flavor profiles for Mezcal and Tequila:


    1. Smoky: Mezcal is often noted for its smoky, earthy, and sometimes savory notes, reminiscent of a campfire.

    2. Diverse: Due to its wide range of agave species, Mezcal can exhibit flavors from fruity and floral to herbal and spicy, offering a complex tasting experience.


      1. Sweet and Earthy: Tequila made from Blue Weber agave tends to be sweeter, with herbal and earthy undertones.

      2. Lighter: Tequila is known for its smoother, more approachable profile, making it an ideal choice for those new to agave spirits. 

        Cultural Significance

        Both Mezcal and Tequila hold special places in Mexican culture and traditions. Mezcal has a long history tied to indigenous rituals and is often associated with artisanal, small-batch production. It is frequently used in ceremonies and celebrations, and its production process remains deeply rooted in tradition.

        Tequila, on the other hand, has achieved worldwide recognition, becoming synonymous with Mexico and its vibrant culture. It is often enjoyed in cocktails like the Margarita and shot with salt and lime, offering a taste of Mexican hospitality and revelry.


        In the Mezcal vs. Tequila showdown, there is no clear winner; both spirits are unique and deserving of appreciation. Whether you savor the smoky complexity of Mezcal or the smooth sweetness of Tequila, these agave elixirs are a testament to Mexico's rich heritage and craftsmanship. So, the next time you're at the bar, consider exploring the world of Mezcal and Tequila – two iconic Mexican spirits that offer a taste of Mexico's past, present, and future in every sip.

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